Tuesday, March 27, 2012

new series 1...2...3!

I've been working on a new series over the past couple days for the upcoming Made by Hand Show. I like to develop a new painting series to sell at each show I'm in & in most cases its a limited edition. I think this one may not be so limited but we shall see! 

This series was inspired by counting "1...2...3!!" Which I seem to be doing daily with my son - for various reasons that all lead up to something, whether it be me lifting him out of his crib or when we're just playing around etc. So I combined that with cute animals & there you have it! My 1...2...3 Paintings!

These 8" x 10" original acrylic paintings on canvas board are my version of a 'print' - a little painting that will be sold for an awesome price! that you frame yourself or get framed. These pictures were taken with my iPhone but I will redocument these paintings in a frame with better lighting and re-post so I can show their true cuteness! For now here are some so far...

PS: If you follow me on twitter @tinybrushstroke or my instagram feed you have seem little sneaks of these paintings already...

1...2...3 Giraffe, Monkey & Bird
8" x 10" acrylic on canvas board

1...2...3 Owls
8" x 10" acrylic on canvas board

1...2...3 Birds
8" x 10" acrylic on canvas board
1...2...3 Deer, Bunny & Squirrel
8" x 10" acrylic on canvas board

1...2...3 Dinosaurs
8" x 10" acrylic on canvas board

So far, which one is your favourite? Any animal suggestions? I have some other combinations in mind (animal & not so animal!) but if you have an idea - post a comment - I just may bring find inspiration in your suggestion!   

Look for these one of a kind paintings for sale at the Made by Hand Show on April 21st!

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