I'm excited to bring you the 3rd edition of Portraits of Home Made & introduce you to an inspirational artist whose message behind her products (I believe) is needed now more than ever for our children as they navigate their way to becoming confident, positive individuals!
She says it best "U Rock was created for all those who feel like they don't fit in. Be proud in what makes you different. Shout 'I think I rock' because confidence in yourself is all that matters!"
Megan Goos is the artist behind urock recycled clothing and accessories creating upcycled tees and monster dolls to help encourage confidence in what makes you different. She is mom to 10 year old artist-in-training Bianca and lives in Waterloo, Ontario.
Q: In 3 words, describe your business.
A: Childish, funny, encouraging.
Q: Did you start your business before or after becoming a Mom?
A: After - my new baby was the entire inspiration for this little clothing line of mine. At first I just wanted new ways to get more use out of her baby clothes, either to cover a stain or some silly print on a thrifted tee. It started with simple animals and flowers... and then these monster-like characters came to life. After making a few for my daughter, my adult friends started asking for shirts of their own... and away we went.
urock baby tee
urock adult tee
My tag line "I think I rock" was created by accident too. One afternoon I was talking to a friend about going "all out, shaving one side of my head and dying the rest hot purple". He poked his head in the room and said it would never work because I am too "goody-goody". Punk kids would make fun of me or think I'm making fun of them... so I shouted "I don't care what YOU think. I think I rock!" He then said "I was just testing you - so put that on your shirts." - darn smart kid. It worked and people just love it.
urock baby onesie
Q: Mixing business & motherhood can be a balancing act! What is your approach to making it through the day accomplishing growth in your business alongside nurturing your little one?
A: This one I did without even thinking about it...the nurturing part. I grew up as the shortest, dorkiest kid in the class. The almost invisible one. Quiet, shy and you're least likely to remember her name. People told me all the time "you're not skilled enough, smart enough..." blah blah blah. When it came to raising my daughter I made sure my actions were the opposite to those of my peers. I offered positive reinforcement where ever I could because it was what I believed was the best way to talk to a child. We would talk of dreams for the future. I would encourage her imagination, creativity and silliness.
Megan at age 7
My daughter and I have been inseparable since the day the stork delivered her to me. Her Dad works long hours or late at night, so I had no choice but to take her everywhere I went, including shows. When she was 2 we made her a tent underneath my table with books and toys, just to keep her entertained. As she grew, she kept coming with me, but more to talk to other artists and learn from them than to hang with Mommy. Keeping her close like this helped solidify our bond. She is so much like me when I was a kid, and I encourage her, laugh with her and share almost everything I can.
Megan & her daughter Bianca
She is 10 now and she is my proudest achievement. She makes her own jewelry from recycled toy bits and beads. She is strong, confident and totally too independent. But a blog follower commented that she is a perfect fit for the "I rock" Mom... and I didn't really see it until then.
be sparkled - Bianca's jewelry
I am constantly trying to improve my business, researching better ways to make our products, showing my daughter new ideas and asking her opinion on set up and style. I think simply including her in my process has helped shape my darling dear into a brilliant, talented little lady.
urock tote bag
Q: What do you consider the biggest perk to having your business in your home? What is the biggest challenge?
A: A perk would be the ease of access. You know those whims of "I need a new shirt for tomorrow!!" Well, my room is filled with fabric, thrifted clothing and all the recycled bits and bobs you could ask for. Either my daughter, myself or even my husband can find what we need to fulfill those creative urges right away.
urock doll
The biggest challenge would be keeping it clean. I can't say no to donated clothing or a great deal at a thrift store. Oh gosh and now that its spring cleaning time... many a curbside treasure find their way into my room as well. So unless I take a day to overhaul, things can get quite messy.
craft room
Q: What is your favourite social media platform to share and connect with your customers and why?
A: I feel people need to see my work to be able to connect. Without a photo people get the wrong impression of my brand. Its not only for kids, and its not country crafty either. So Instagram is becoming my new favourite.
urock key chain doll
Other than that I like Facebook. I can have actual conversations with my followers rather than just seeing that they "like" my photo or blog post. Twitter is nice when your followers share, but I struggle again finding the words to properly describe my work, and say it in so few words.
urock ties
Q: If you could add another element/extension to your business, what would it be?
A: I always try to add to my brand - working on more jewelry, wall art, note cards... but my dream would be to offer more motivation to those who need it most: pre-teens. Right at the time you're struggling to fit in is when you need to hear that its ok if you don't. Bullying gets really bad in high school and only your confidence will break their evil words.
hello Megan!
SO, I dream of holding a concert with the most positive musicians like Katy Perry and Selena Gomez to encourage young teens to be who they want, not who someone says they should. I would offer pre-show; dress up, hair and makeup - like mini-makeovers enhancing what makes them awesome!
custom jacket
I have thought about writing a book for kids about accepting their difference. Something geared at 6-7 year olds. But I either have to be a better illustrator or wait until my daughter is ready to draw for me.
urock girls tee
Q: If you had an unexpected afternoon of free time, how would you spend it?
A: I would do a quick workout, wash some dishes and then sew as much as I could from my 'to-do' pile. (gotta do the necessary house stuff first.)
urock key chain dolls
Q: Is there a creative skill you wish you had?
A: I wish I was better at drawing. Right now I can handle doodle like characters and designs. But my daughter is already amazing at drawing realistic people...Yep, I'm super jealous.
Quick 3:
1. Coffee or Tea?
2. Music, Movies or Podcasts while you work?
Movies. My tablet is always by my sewing machine. Just caught up on the 'Once Upon a Time' series... don't know what I'm going to watch next.
3. Name a book that has inspired/informed your business.
It's a doodling book - Creative Doodling and Beyond by Stephanie Corfee. It helped me incorporate more of me into the brand.
urock magnets
Q: What's next for urock recycled clothing and accessories?
A: I really don't know. I'm still learning how to do all of this, and I'm sure I will be for a long time. I am working on new note cards, more adult clothing like skirts with embroidered decorations and casual but flattering t-shirts. I'm always looking for great new shows to suit my brand, and of course stores to help spread the positive message.
urock cards
Megan is also the mastermind behind re-MAKE-able and the wonderful bloomin' earth outdoor market of handmade & vintage treasures that happens every spring in Kitchener, ON. (I must share that bloomin' earth stands out as one of my top favourite shows as an exhibitor & visitor thus far.)
urock at bloomin earth
I hope you have enjoyed meeting Megan & hearing the story of urock recycled! Stay in touch with her online...
Shop urock recycled clothing and accessories in person at Wise Daughters in Toronto, Elephant Shoes in Toronto and Impressario Art Market in Coburg.
Love Megan's creations? Make a comment & share this portrait with your friends!
Thanks for reading & watch out for June's Portrait of Home Made!
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