Monday, March 3, 2014

I love to paint furniture!

I love to bring new life to old furniture yet don't get the chance to do so often enough. Or maybe its the time to do so. I have a cool side table that I got over 2 years ago that is still waiting for its paint makeover! But when a customer requests that I paint a piece of furniture for a little one, I'm all in!

A couple years ago, I was commissioned to custom paint a kid's table for a little boy and was recently asked to paint one for his little sister! It was fun to come up with both designs and hope think that they will compliment each other well. 

Please enjoy a couple shots of the tables, first up is HIS:

And now more recently HERS:

 If you are local (GTA) and would like to have a kid`s table or chair painted, please shoot me an email. I can paint existing furniture or new pieces such as the above tables from Ikea. Thanks!

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